ify and ise suffixes

verbs - Suffixes for verbification: -ify,.
-ious suff. Having; having the qualities of; full of: bilious. [Middle English, partly from Latin -ius and partly from Old French -ieus, -ieux (from Latin -i sus
Objective. The ways in which nouns and adjectives. e.g. fix, simple, solid, drama, dead can be made into verbs by use of the suffixes ate, ify, etc.; investigate
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The suffixes -ise/-ize-ify-ificate; are all used for verbifying nouns and adjectives. What are the differences in meaning/connotation/usage between them?
-ious - definition of -ious by the Free.
Change these nouns and adjectives into verbs by adding one of these suffixes - ate, en, ify, ise, and then click on the
ify and ise suffixes
Suffixe Liste
Changing nouns and adjectives into verbs.
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Prefixes And Suffix